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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Let me glorify God with all that I have!

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do,
do all to the glory of God.- 1 Corinthians 10:31

Stewardship is about a lot more than just money. It includes money and possessions, but it is not mainly about money and possessions. Stewardship involves your life and your time, as well. It’s what you do in your “off moments” as well how you spend your “on the clock” time. It is a matter, Paul says in 1 Cor 10:31 of doing “whatever you do to the glory of God”

“That’s Stewardship.” It is a commitment of my life to God, not just my things. I think of 2 Cor 8:5 where Paul commends the Macedonian believers who gave themselves to God first, and then gave their possessions. It was a matter of priority. God does not need our help. He does not desire our things, as if He was dependent on us or needed us to give to Him before He can get His will done (Acts 17:25). He doesn’t need us. But God delights to see our hearts so value Him and His Kingdom that our priority is to glorify Him with all that we have. He loves to see it when we gladly use our things – our time, our efforts, our possessions, our all – for Him.

As one of our elders, Will Jackson, said to me in an email the other day: Stewardship is “much bigger” than just putting a check in the offering plate. “It is taking someone in and letting them sleep in a spare bedroom..., or getting close to a neighbor who is out of work so you can help him..., or helping the poor in downtown Saint Louis..., or keeping your old car a little longer so you can help someone else buy a new one they need.... or it may mean something radical!” That is the biblical idea of stewardship – seeing everything you have and everything you are as being at the disposal of the Master! That's the kind of man I want to be. That's the kind of church I want our congregation to be! That's the kind of people I want my children to be! So that, in whatever we do, we do it all for the glory of God.

Seeking Him for God Glorifying Grace!!

Scott Lee

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